+ contents

character voicebank resources links terms of service

+ info

welcome to the hub for EVE+zenith. here, you'll find character & voicebank information and supplemental resources. please use the bar above to navigate. if you like this boring part, click the EVE+zenith logo to come back : )

+ character

: lore

EVE is an audio-visual entertainment android by the high-tech company VIRTUOSE. she is the first of VIRTUOSE's persona androids; one-of-a-kind androids (not mass-produced) with given individuality and established personalities. she is meticulously designed to be a celebrity, and while she didn't sign up for this, she enjoys it nonetheless. her favorite food is crab.

EVE+zenith is EVE's fourth major rebrand. come the year 3034, EVE has been in the public eye for four years and has developed a true identity of her own. she is no longer known as just the singing android from VIRTUOSE but rather as EVE. she's come into herself and really has a feel for who she is.

(EVE's lore is not at all a requirement for any works created with the character.)

: description

+ voicebank

: description

EVE+zenith is a voicebank for UTAU/OPENUTAU. the voicebank's reclist is CVVC and is built around japanese as a base with extra phonemes to give the voicebank further capability in english, korean and mandarin.

: details

: demo


: download


+ resources


+ archive

: info

this is a list of all of EVE's previous voicebanks. these are not up for download, this is just for personal documentation purposes.

+ first generation : eden

these are the only voicebanks that were ever publicly released. they suck.

: EVE+genesis

: EVE+revelation

+ second generation : galatia

: EVE+galatia

: EVE+despine

: EVE+kuiper

: EVE+selene

: EVE+yushui

+ third generation : 22


+ changelog

: 23.12.06

: 23.12.10

+ terms of service

"materials" refers to the EVE+zenith voicebank and any image resources provided.

: prohibited acts

: permitted acts

: redistribution

+ terms of service : specific content allowances

: allowed content

: disallowed content

: ask


+ testing

ermmm... go away?

+ character

: lore

EVE is an audio-visual entertainment android by the high-tech company VIRTUOSE. she is the first of VIRTUOSE's persona androids; one-of-a-kind androids (not mass-produced) with given individuality and established personalities. she is meticulously designed to be a celebrity, and while she didn't sign up for this, she enjoys it nonetheless. her favorite food is crab.

EVE+zenith is EVE's fourth major rebrand. come the year 3034, EVE has been in the public eye for four years and has developed a true identity of her own. she is no longer known as just the singing android from VIRTUOSE but rather as EVE. she's come into herself and really has a feel for who she is.

(EVE's lore is not at all a requirement for any works created with the character.)

: description

  • name: EVE
  • gender: genderless (she/her)
  • age: ageless, emulates a young adult
  • birthday: 02.22
  • height: 5'8 (172cm)
